Philip H. Anselmo and the Illegals Philip H. Anselmo and the Illegals


Rise/again/to face/the day
Wwith a knife/in my back/in my spine/ mind(!)
Insults/my life/(my)name/(my) rage
and bites/like pain/a war/conflict
Is it a price? is it a curse?
Spasms/swell/like rock/I turn to
stone/and/then/I'm at
- How long can this go on?

Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
post-op regret
Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
recovery slip
Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
a pause for the betterment
Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
dwell on the negative
I am the one/the decider/I am a pun/the
Buried inside/like a time bomb/I am a
blitzkrieg/made of one...

I am the stunned/and the stunted/I define
fury/as in furious...
Damage the face/ball up the name/given
the kiss of chronic pain...

Tazed/awake/every fucking day/of
my life/nerve/damage/screams in
waves/as I lie/ass back
flat/the stab/the control/the tripwire
- How far deep is this scar?
Thrashing/under/pariah/smoke stained
sheets/hoping/somehow/someone might
see/my arm/waving/a flag of
surrender/I'm,/ M.I.A. in conflict
- Is it mistake/was it on purpose to
try and keep/me/in/check?

Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
3-level fuse...
Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
titanium screws
Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
rebuild the veteran
Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
dwell on the negative

I am the one/the excluded/I am an animal/
that's been wounded...
My insignificance/is significant/tirade in
flight/wings spanned...
I cannot fly/without looking down...
I cannot fly...

Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
3-pills a pop...
Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
titanium clock...
Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
ruin the veteran...
Conflict... Conflicting... Conflict
dwell on the negative!